PHP in one click

Simple and reliable PHP runtime in few seconds. One click away from focusing on your great ideas. No credit card, no installation, no configuration, no maintenance. We’ll do all the heavy lifting.

  1. Click on Run button
  2. Wait for few seconds
  3. Use
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Run your server


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What is PHP?

PHP is a server-side scripting language that is widely used for creating web applications and dynamic websites. It is a popular choice for building e‑commerce websites, content management systems, and other web applications requiring complex functionality. PHP can be embedded into HTML code, making it easy to create dynamic web pages. It also has a large community of developers who have developed a wide range of libraries, frameworks and modules. It’s easy to learn and integrates well with databases, making it an entrancing choice for building web applications for years.


See it in action.

Learn how to quickly and easily Run PHP.

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Run your server
