PrestaShop in one click

Universal e‑commerce platform in few seconds. One click away from focusing on your products and sales. No credit card, no installation, no configuration, no maintenance. We’ll do all the heavy lifting.

  1. Click on Run button
  2. Wait for few seconds
  3. Use
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Run your server


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Why pick PrestaShop for your project?

PrestaShop is PHP-based universal e‑commerce solution that is open-source. It provides a highly customisable and versatile architecture, enabling developers to design online stores that meet their requirements. PrestaShop delivers an intuitive interface for store management, making handling products, customers, and orders easy. It also includes comprehensive features such as inventory management, shipping options, and payment gateways. PrestaShop is licensed under the OSL-3.0 license.

Learn how to create and make the most of your new store.

PrestaShop doesn't fit?

We have got you covered. Check out our pre-configured e‑commerce solutions.


See it in action.

Learn how to quickly and easily Run PrestaShop.

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Run your server
